Setting up Oracle VM Manager 3.0.1

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Revision as of 10:32, 23 September 2011 by PeterHarding (talk | contribs)
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Back to Oracle VM Manager

Steps to Setup OVM Environment

High Level Tasks

  1. Reinstall VMManager software / restore VM Manager DB
  2. Do ab-initio setup of vmserver
  3. Load templates
  4. Setup test VMs and shake out

Setup VM Manager

See Installing Oracle VM Manager

Setup VM server for Server Pool and VM template Storage

  i)  Run the installation process using the Oracle VM Server 3.0.x 


          - Don't forget to attach the balance of the boot disk as /u01 and set FS type to 'oscfs' (?)

  ii) Once setup run through the fllowing to finalize the instance in preparation for configuring the VM manager

         - Export Server Pool partition

           $ echo "/u01/serverpool \*(rw,no_root_squash)" > /etc/exports cat /etc/exports cd /u01 ls -ld .
           $ cd /u01
           $ chmod 777 .
           $ mkdir serverpool
           $ chmod 777 serverpool
           $ ls -l
           $ exportfs -av
           $ exportfs -v

         - Start NFS and configure to start on boot

           $ service nfs status
           $ service nfs start
           $ chkconfig nfs on
           and check:

           $ mount -t nfs vmserver:/u01/serverpool /mnt
           $ mount
           $ umount /mnt mount

         - Check firewall is diabled

           $ service iptables status
           $ service ip6tables status

Configuring the VM Manager

Steps transcribed from Console record:

       * Discover Server
       * Edit Server
       * Register File Server OvmNfsServer
       * Refresh File System nfs:/u01/serverpool (Failed - ???
         So attempte3d recovery

         ~ Delete nfs:/u01/serverpool
         ~ Delete OvmNfsServer

       * Register File Server OvnNfsServer
       * Refresh File Server OvnNfsServer
       * Refresh File System nfs:/u01/serverpool

       Attempted to use the QNAP as iSCSI - don't know how yet!

       * Refresh Storage Array - Unmanaged iSCSI Storage Array (Failed - did not know what to do...)

       * Refresh File System nfs:/u01/serverpool
       * Edit Physical Disk SATA_ST31000340AS_9QJ1CNFX (Make it sharable!)
       * Create Server Pool OvmServerPool
       * Add Server to Server Pool OvmServerPool	(Failed)


       * Delete OvmServerPool
       * Rescan Physical Disks on Server Use this command when storage array disks have been added or removed from a server.	
       * Edit Physical Disk SATA_ST31000340AS_9QJ1CNFX (Make it sharable)
       * Refresh File System nfs:/u01/serverpool
       * Rescan Physical Disks on Server Use this command when stor
       * Refresh File System nfs:/u01/serverpool
       * Add Server to Server Pool  (Aborted)

       * Create Server Pool OvmServerPool
       * Edit Server Pool OvmServerPool
       * Add Server to Server Pool OvmServerPool (Failed)

           DNS issue - was mapped to in hosts file -
           removed this and it worked on the next attempt

       * Add Server to Server Pool OvmServerPool (Worked this time)
       * Create Repository OvmRepository
       * Edit Server Pool OvmServerPool
       * Discover Repository
       * Present Repository OvmRepository to Server

       * Import Template OvmRepository (Failed)

         - had http://localhost/... and not in URL for template source [changed and it worked]

       > Refresh Repository OvmRepository (does this automatically after import)
       * Import Template OvmRepository - Unpacking Template 1/1, 27,717 MB/? MB	[11G]
       > Refresh Repository OvmRepository
       * Import Template OvmRepository - Unpacking Template 1/1, 26,954 MB/? MB	[10G]
       > Refresh Repository OvmRepository
       * Import Template OvmRepository - Unpacking Template 1/1, 2,466 MB/? MB	[Linux]
       > Refresh Repository OvmRepository


     Missing steps in above sequence:

       * Set up NIC MAC addresses
       * Extend network to be used for Data and VMs themselves 

     Test it:

       * Clone Ora11G from OVM_EL5U2_X86_64_ORACLE11G_PVM.tgz (Appeared to work - but failed to start/run)
       * Create Virtual Machine Oracle11G (Appeared to work - but failed to start/run)
       * Edit Virtual Machine Ora11G
       * Start Virtual Machine Ora11G (Failed)

Error Messages

Start - Failed

  (09/23/2011 12:27:50:391 AM) OVMAPI_4010E Attempt to s
  Job Construction Phase
  Appended operation 'Virtual Machine Start' to object '0004fb0000060000f6fd26bb00d0df85 (Ora11G)'.
  Completed Step: COMMIT

  Objects and Operations
  Object (IN_USE): [Vnic] 0004fb0000070000c58dfcf4c80cfdc6 (00:21:f6:00:00:01)
  Object (IN_USE): [VirtualMachine] 0004fb0000060000f6fd26bb00d0df85 (Ora11G)
  Operation: Virtual Machine Start
  Object (IN_USE): [VmDiskMapping] 0004fb00001300003741c869ac1a196c
  Object (IN_USE): [VirtualDisk] 0004fb0000120000675bbd66264d8277.img
  Object (IN_USE): [VmDiskMapping] 0004fb00001300005c59a249b51b8b0a
  Object (IN_USE): [VirtualDisk] 0004fb00001200002e5d46bac7b36d88.img

  Job Running Phase at 00:27 on Fri, Sep 23, 2011
  Job Participants: [40:cc:00:1e:8c:00:00:1d:ff:b1:00:1e:8c:88:a8:07 (]

  Starting operation 'Virtual Machine Start' on object '0004fb0000060000f6fd26bb00d0df85 (Ora11G)'
  Job Internal Error (Operation)
  OVMAPI_4010E Attempt to send command: dispatch to server:   failed.
  OVMAPI_4004E Server Failed Command: dispatch https://?uname?:?pwd?@ 
    start_vm 0004fb000003000048bebf45f41e4b33 0004fb0000060000f6fd26bb00d0df85,
    Status: org.apache.xmlrpc.XmlRpcException: exceptions.RuntimeError:Command: ['xm', 'create', 
  failed (1): Error: Device 0 (vif) could not be connected. Could not find bridge, and none was specified

Note: Network is not properly set up! I missed the point where one needs to put in IP range for VMs to use ( - 169)!

Did not manage to work out where to do this.

A rough draft - though I would use this as a starting point for the next pass!