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#) Reinstall VMManager software / restore VM Manager DB
#  Reinstall VMManager software / restore VM Manager DB
#) Do ab-initio setup of vmserver
#  Do ab-initio setup of vmserver
#) Load templates
#  Load templates
#) Setup test VMs and shake out
#  Setup test VMs and shake out

==Setup VM Manager==
==Setup VM Manager==

Revision as of 10:29, 23 September 2011

Steps to Setup OVM Environment

High Level Tasks

  1. Reinstall VMManager software / restore VM Manager DB
  2. Do ab-initio setup of vmserver
  3. Load templates
  4. Setup test VMs and shake out

Setup VM Manager

See http://www.performiq.com.au/kb/index.php/Oracle_VM_Manager

Setup VM server for Server Pool and VM template Storage

  i)  Run the installation process using the Oracle VM Server 3.0.x 


          - Don't forget to attach the balance of the boot disk as /u01 and set FS type to 'oscfs' (?)

  ii) Once setup run through the fllowing to finalize the instance in preparation for configuring the VM manager

         - Export Server Pool partition

           $ echo "/u01/serverpool \*(rw,no_root_squash)" > /etc/exports cat /etc/exports cd /u01 ls -ld .
           $ cd /u01
           $ chmod 777 .
           $ mkdir serverpool
           $ chmod 777 serverpool
           $ ls -l
           $ exportfs -av
           $ exportfs -v

         - Start NFS and configure to start on boot

           $ service nfs status
           $ service nfs start
           $ chkconfig nfs on
           and check:

           $ mount -t nfs vmserver:/u01/serverpool /mnt
           $ mount
           $ umount /mnt mount

         - Check firewall is diabled

           $ service iptables status
           $ service ip6tables status

Configuring the VM Manager

Steps transcribed from Console record:

       * Discover Server
       * Edit Server vmserver.pha.com.au
       * Register File Server OvmNfsServer
       * Refresh File System nfs:/u01/serverpool (Failed - ???
         So attempte3d recovery

         ~ Delete nfs:/u01/serverpool
         ~ Delete OvmNfsServer

       * Register File Server OvnNfsServer
       * Refresh File Server OvnNfsServer
       * Refresh File System nfs:/u01/serverpool

       Attempted to use the QNAP as iSCSI - don't know how yet!

       * Refresh Storage Array - Unmanaged iSCSI Storage Array (Failed - did not know what to do...)

       * Refresh File System nfs:/u01/serverpool
       * Edit Physical Disk SATA_ST31000340AS_9QJ1CNFX (Make it sharable!)
       * Create Server Pool OvmServerPool
       * Add Server vmserver.pha.com.au to Server Pool OvmServerPool	(Failed)


       * Delete OvmServerPool
       * Rescan Physical Disks on Server vmserver.pha.com.au. Use this command when storage array disks have been added or removed from a server.	
       * Edit Physical Disk SATA_ST31000340AS_9QJ1CNFX (Make it sharable)
       * Refresh File System nfs:/u01/serverpool
       * Rescan Physical Disks on Server vmserver.pha.com.au. Use this command when stor
       * Refresh File System nfs:/u01/serverpool
       * Add Server vmserver.pha.com.au to Server Pool  (Aborted)

       * Create Server Pool OvmServerPool
       * Edit Server Pool OvmServerPool
       * Add Server vmserver.pha.com.au to Server Pool OvmServerPool (Failed)

           DNS issue - vmserver.pha.com.au was mapped to in hosts file -
           removed this and it worked on the next attempt

       * Add Server vmserver.pha.com.au to Server Pool OvmServerPool (Worked this time)
       * Create Repository OvmRepository
       * Edit Server Pool OvmServerPool
       * Discover Repository
       * Present Repository OvmRepository to Server vmserver.pha.com.au

       * Import Template OvmRepository (Failed)

         - had http://localhost/... and not http://vmmanager.pha.com.au/... in URL for template source [changed and it worked]

       > Refresh Repository OvmRepository (does this automatically after import)
       * Import Template OvmRepository - Unpacking Template 1/1, 27,717 MB/? MB	[11G]
       > Refresh Repository OvmRepository
       * Import Template OvmRepository - Unpacking Template 1/1, 26,954 MB/? MB	[10G]
       > Refresh Repository OvmRepository
       * Import Template OvmRepository - Unpacking Template 1/1, 2,466 MB/? MB	[Linux]
       > Refresh Repository OvmRepository


     Missing steps in above sequence:

       * Set up NIC MAC addresses
       * Extend network to be used for Data and VMs themselves 

     Test it:

       * Clone Ora11G from OVM_EL5U2_X86_64_ORACLE11G_PVM.tgz (Appeared to work - but failed to start/run)
       * Create Virtual Machine Oracle11G (Appeared to work - but failed to start/run)
       * Edit Virtual Machine Ora11G
       * Start Virtual Machine Ora11G (Failed)

Error Messages

Start - Failed

  (09/23/2011 12:27:50:391 AM) OVMAPI_4010E Attempt to s
  Job Construction Phase
  Appended operation 'Virtual Machine Start' to object '0004fb0000060000f6fd26bb00d0df85 (Ora11G)'.
  Completed Step: COMMIT

  Objects and Operations
  Object (IN_USE): [Vnic] 0004fb0000070000c58dfcf4c80cfdc6 (00:21:f6:00:00:01)
  Object (IN_USE): [VirtualMachine] 0004fb0000060000f6fd26bb00d0df85 (Ora11G)
  Operation: Virtual Machine Start
  Object (IN_USE): [VmDiskMapping] 0004fb00001300003741c869ac1a196c
  Object (IN_USE): [VirtualDisk] 0004fb0000120000675bbd66264d8277.img
  Object (IN_USE): [VmDiskMapping] 0004fb00001300005c59a249b51b8b0a
  Object (IN_USE): [VirtualDisk] 0004fb00001200002e5d46bac7b36d88.img

  Job Running Phase at 00:27 on Fri, Sep 23, 2011
  Job Participants: [40:cc:00:1e:8c:00:00:1d:ff:b1:00:1e:8c:88:a8:07 (vmserver.pha.com.au)]

  Starting operation 'Virtual Machine Start' on object '0004fb0000060000f6fd26bb00d0df85 (Ora11G)'
  Job Internal Error (Operation)com.oracle.ovm.mgr.api.exception.FailedOperationException:
  OVMAPI_4010E Attempt to send command: dispatch to server: vmserver.pha.com.au   failed.
  OVMAPI_4004E Server Failed Command: dispatch https://?uname?:?pwd?@ 
    start_vm 0004fb000003000048bebf45f41e4b33 0004fb0000060000f6fd26bb00d0df85,
    Status: org.apache.xmlrpc.XmlRpcException: exceptions.RuntimeError:Command: ['xm', 'create', 
  failed (1): Error: Device 0 (vif) could not be connected. Could not find bridge, and none was specified

Note: Network is not properly set up! I missed the point where one needs to put in IP range for VMs to use ( - 169)!

Did not manage to work out where to do this.

A rough draft - though I would use this as a starting point for the next pass!